News June, 24th 2013 by

Artist Christopher Stone Nominated & Elected One of the Top 100 Professionals

Elgran Cabron

“El gran cabrón”, (after Goya), 116x89cm

British born, Ibiza based artist Christopher Stone has been nominated, voted, and elected  member of the worlds “Top 100 professionals” by the prestigious “International Biographical center” of Cambridge, England,
Christopher who has lived on Ibiza for twenty years is said to be completely surprised, but delighted and honoured to receive such a prestigious award.
A citation of the nomination by the I B C director general is reproduced below.



“Most” Acrylic, Linen, 120x120cm

Dear Mr Stone
You are to be congratulated.  As a noted and eminent professional you have now been considered and nominated for recognition by the International Biographical center. Of the many thousands of biographies from a wide variety of sources investigated by the research and editorial departments of the IBC, a select few are those of individuals who, in our belief, have made a significant enough contribution in their field to engender influence on a local, national or International basis. Ratification of your nomination Mr Stone by the Awards Board is now complete and it is therefore my great honour to name you as a member of the IBC  Top 100 professionals 2013.
As holder of this distinction, you can be assured of your place in our history and be gratified that your work has not only been noticed but recognised as outstanding. In any one year only 100 of the worlds best professionals, both famous and uncelebrated, from all disciplines will be able to populate this exclusive list. These are people whose daily work makes a difference- not just those who populate the headlines. It is henceforth decreed that you should be on this list for 2013, as bearer of this honour you will be recorded in perpetuity in the halls of the International Biographical Center- I trust that you be proud to know your name is to take its rightful place.
I am very pleased to be able to bring you this news Mr Stone, and hope that you feel proud of the Influence you have on your colleagues and friends. It is only left for me to offer my sincere congratulations. I look forward to hearing from you.
Nicolas S. Law Director General.
International Biographical Center,
St Thomas Place
Ely, CB74GG, Great Britain.
Ref. TOPPR/inv






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