EventsNews April, 14th 2012 by

The Black & White Association of Fuengirola to hold special Event on April 20 2012.

The Black & White Association of Fuengirola has the honor and pleasure to invite you to our event that we have organized for the Fuengirola launch of Association. This uplifting of unity event is being held on April 20 at Old Town Club, Paseo Maritimo, Fuengirola, from 21:00 h.
It will be a fabulous event, where once again, the Black & White Association present musical talent in order to link black and white cultures, especially in a cosmopolitan city like ours, where more than 100 nationalities live together peacefully.

From 21:00 pm until late in the morning we will have performances by:
Singers Cross G and JP Klin, Rap Artist TX, and a compositions of the DJs that will make us dance the night:
Mathon will Eijsden (Netherlands)
Christian Hellberg (radio planeta 92.8)
Mr Maph and True Love in London
At the same time will make the presentation of the website will include gradually where all activities and do in our organization. If they want to and can view all our events and information in the social network: www.facebook / blackandwhiteasoc

Admission is free. We invite you to come dressed in black, white or both colors to create a fully inclusive at the party.
In addition to their participation will help other association from Fuengirola: AFA, the association of family and Alzheimer Fuengirola and Mijas as part of the proceeds from the drinks that night will go to the great social work. As you know, for years, AFA supports people with this condition and those close to all amenities.And now more than ever needs donations to complete its spectacular day center, a pioneer in Andalusia, located in Los Pacos, on a plot donated by the city of Fuengirola.
Please attendance to support this noble cause and spread of the party, because the more people we are, the more help we provide.

More about Black & White
We are a young organization that emerges in Fuengirola, Malaga with a dual purpose. For one thing, combat racism and promote integration between different races. Furthermore, as a means of expression for artists, especially Africans, who want to show their art through all disciplines (culture, sport, dance, music …) and that encourage the merger between blacks and whites.
Likewise, we inform you about the “Your old books create new schools” association also Black & White, consisting of the collection of books in Spanish, English and French and sent to these libraries Bokoko Bisila. Individuals, schools and organizations are already donating any volumes in Damaris Dating, Cremá Street Fair, No. 3, Fuengirola, point of collection.
An affectionate greeting.

Program presentation of Black and White Association in Fuengirola

Official presentation of Black and White partnership day April 20, 2012

Location: Old Town Club, Paseo Maritimo Fuengirola

starts: 21.00 hours

Official inauguration:

presented by Mari Carmen Moreno.

21.00 Arrival of special guests including City Council members excellentisimo Fuengirola and other people.

21.15 Presentation of the Founders and Board of B & W and his collaborators

21.25 Presentation of the official website of B & W by the webmaster Rafael Martin

21.30 Presentation of certificates of appreciation and honor members of the Councillors of Fuengirola, special attention to Dona Esperanza Oña for the support and sympathy to B & W and Youth Councillors and New Technology, Immigration and Equality, Tourism, Culture and Foreign Residents.and some more special guests.

21.45 Address by a representative of AFA since B & W raise funds for this Association.

21.50 Live Performers singers

22.00 Presentation of the DJ’s and other singers and musicians.

AFA the collection to be Through the sale of the drinks will go to AFA. All members of B & W do volunteer work tonight, including the artists. B & W tries to encourage or promote the appreciation of other cultures and races Through Art, Culture, Music and Sport. As the City has been less supportive want to thank everyone for this event.
22.05 Begin the party with dance and enjoy the fusion of cultures. 

Dario Poli

Composer, artist, and a published author and illustrator. He is initiator of the campaign to present a better image Internationally, of Marbella and the Costa del Sol. Composer of the music "Marbella Marbella" used as the anthem of the campaign and also many other recorded compositions including Nostradamus, and Corazon, for The Children for Peace Onlus charity in Rome as well as the co-author of the powerful musical drama Lady X and The Power of Destiny. He is also the editor and a founder member of this website.

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