EventsLifestyle October, 8th 2011 by

"Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder" By Mark Bajerski,The Accidental Psychic


It’s true that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I see beauty every morning when I wake up next to my wife. I see beauty in everyone that walks through my door and I never give up on anyone, even if they have given up on themselves in that moment. This month has been challenging not just for everyone around me, but for myself too. The secret is to recognise the signs, learn from your actions, be true to yourself and see if your actions have sent a negative vibration to anyone else. Once we see this, we only need to look at the effect; whether we were right or wrong serves no purpose to the outcome, because the outcome was negative. Therefore, when we are in the right and feel the need to shout about it, stop and think, does it really matter?

There are ways of handling a situation with strength and wisdom. Do you ever see a professional boxer in a pub knocking people out?! Never and that’s because they know they don’t need to prove themselves. This should be the way we all handle issues. Shouting or letting everyone know we are right sends negativity to everyone involved which isn’t what this world needs right now. I have learned to not bite back, to not get involved in anyone else’s fear and anger. Now I know to step back, breathe and rise above these fears, while I still my mind and let go of that negative energy. If you do this, you’ll find that it quickly passes you by, leaving you to think after how glad you are for doing nothing, because by doing nothing you actually did everything! You then find yourself operating from a new energy, a higher vibration, feeling happier and wiser, for now you have found the key to your path of happiness.

My aim is always to help people and recently I have found myself being pulled toward helping more people in one go, a bit like spreading my wings or reaching out to the masses. So after three years of my beautiful clients asking me to start a healing circle, I decided the time was right and I began working on my new exciting goal. I wanted to make this new circle something really magical so I worked very hard to find the perfect location. I visited more than fifty hotels and sat in them to feel if the energy was right. Finally I decided on the Tamisa Golf Hotel. My new goal today is to win the hearts and minds of everyone that joins us, for this is who I am; a healer and a giver of positive energy, from my heart to yours.

In the circle we share our goals and our happiness by empowering ourselves all at the same time. I also offer healing in the circle, not just for the beautiful people who show up, but more so, all their friends and loved ones and anyone who needs it across the world, including animals. With the need to give something magical to everyone who attended my circle, my intention is to make these evenings enlightening and deeply spiritual , bringing in some amazing people to share their experiences and to help us all gain a deeper understanding about ourselves.

I invite people with true spiritual gifts who inspire and uplift us all. The first circle was amazing; everyone was wonderful and open to what was about to happen. As the first host it was my job to introduce everyone and to explain what I was about to share. Everyone listened and understood that my aim was to send healing, at the same time as receiving healing and to start seeing the signs that are always there. To do this I needed to clear everyone’s energy and send a new energy of strength, magic and abundance. It was truly amazing and the 46 people who turned up all felt the power of spirit in our room. Soon after, rumours of miracles started spreading and some of the group experienced issues being resolved in their lives.

Good news emails flooded in from people saying how much more positive they were feeling and that they couldn’t wait until the next circle. The circle had already reached a higher vibration and I felt it needed a new name to resonate its true meaning…I decided on the ‘miracles and empowerment circle.’ The second evening circle was hosted by a dear friend of mine, Julie Chimes, a best-selling author and a truly inspirational lady. The word had spread and 56 people turned up. The night was perfect; magical and amazing with tears of joy.

The circle will take place twice monthly on a Thursday evening. Our next circle is 20th October 8pm – 9.30pm at the Tamisa Golf Hotel. If you would like to join us then please Take the Coin road for 3.3km. You will pass the Mijas Golf and the Byblos Hotel. If you’re reading this I believe there’s no such thing as coincidence and I welcome you to join us one day to experience our circle where we leave our issues outside, where we don’t judge, but just sit in peace, which allows healing to take place. It’s not so important to the how or why, it’s the after affect that counts. One day I hope you can join us. We have builders, healers, housewife’s, hairdressers, spiritual and non spiritual people. It’s amazing how it all fits together.

Tamisa Golf Hotel Camino viego de Coin, 3.3 Km Tel 952 585 988

On the door we ask for 8€ towards the hotel bill and to pay the hosts.

All upcoming dates for our circle can be found on my website or Facebook ‘Mark Bajerski events.’

Mark Bajerski

They call him The Accidental Psychic. Mark lives and works from the heart, which is immediately evident to anyone who steps into his energy.

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