LifestylePersona February, 15th 2011 by

The Accidental Psychic - Mark Bajerski

Mark Bajerski

The Accidental Psychic

Mark Bajerski

Clients often ask me how I know the difference between spirit coming through to give messages, and psychically tuning into their past, present and future. Many people believe we’re all telepathic, but there is a big difference between telepathy and receiving messages from spirit. When I first started walking this path, it took me a while to believe that spirit worked through me and talked to me. But now I have no shadow of a doubt.
One sunny day two ladies came to my psychic studio in Mijas Pueblo. They sat together for their readings and I started by telling them that I never bring spirit through, however my door is always open. I began to tune into their past. I felt a doctor, who was part of the family, and his two children and their characteristics. Then I tuned into another family member, who sought help from a dishonest solicitor. The information I received was to change the solicitor for a lady solicitor. This all made sense to the ladies because they’d just found out he was only interested in his fees. I also told them information which helped to release painful issues about the present. Moving from one lady to another, I found myself flowing with ease and forty-five minutes passed in a flash. At this point it became increasingly interesting. I tuned into their father and when I spoke about him I felt a burning feeling on my back and head. Then my ear popped and I heard a gentle whistle. I smiled and told the two ladies that their father was now in the room. They felt him too and all of us had tears in our eyes. I told them how much he loved them and that he never left their side. He remembered the times when they all played by a large oak tree and ate picnics there. The two ladies looked confused and I felt they were a little angry with me. I continued to speak about his characteristics and what he felt for them both. This went on for another thirty minutes and I knew the hour I’d booked in for the reading had well passed. However when this happens time has no importance, so I carried on reciting messages of love and protection. Then suddenly, as quickly as he came, he left.
The silence that followed was long and I asked the ladies if anything had resonated with them.
“Mark,” one of the ladies said. “Everything you told us was absolutely correct except for the things you said about our father.”
I felt shocked to the core. I couldn’t understand why spirit had given me all this information, which now appeared totally wrong.
the lady continued. “When our mother got married, within three months she fell pregnant to us. Our father left that night and never returned so we never saw him. Our uncle lived close by and he was more a father to us than anyone. So you see, you were wrong.” Spirit came through again and I closed my eyes. I saw a picture of their father in my mind. He looked happy and he wore an army suit and a cap. He held a whip in his hand, like that used by horse riders. Then I opened my eyes and the words tumbled out of my mouth.
“You have his picture in his pocket.”
Shock seeped across their faces.
“Yes,” said one of the ladies. “We decided to bring an old photo of him to show you. We thought you might tell us why he left us before we were born. Our mother never spoke of him or told us the reason.”
I asked them to show me the photo.
As they placed the photo on my table it revealed a man in a dark suit standing next to a Victorian balloon back chair, I knew that was not the man I had seen and I couldn’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth. It felt like someone else was talking. I looked deep into the photo, then into their eyes and said a sentence which would change their lives forever.
“This is not your father.”
They turned to one another, baffled and confused.
“Sorry Mark, but you’re mistaken. This is our father. My mother gave us this photo before she died.”
Again I closed my eyes and tried not to listen to my mind. After what seemed a long while I opened them. I turned to one of the ladies.
“Sorry, but this photo is not the one I wanted to see.” I turned to the other lady. “It’s you who has the photo of your father wearing an army uniform and a cap, with a horse whip in his hand.”
These words nearly threw her off her seat. She delved into her bag, took out her purse and opened it. Folded in one of her compartments there was a photo. She opened it and placed it on the table. Now both photos lay on the table. One of a man in a dark suit standing next to a Victorian balloon back chair. The other revealed a man with a smile wearing an army uniform and a cap, with a whip in his hand.
“The man in this photo wearing the army uniform is in the room with us now and he tells me was your father,” I said, pointing to the photo of the man standing besides the chair.
“But the picture you’re pointing at, Mark, is our uncle,” said one of the ladies. I smiled and told the ladies to listen to this message from their father. It went something like this…
“My darling daughters, I was always in love with your mother and after the wedding of my brother and your mother, we both made a terrible mistake which we kept secret until the day we passed away. When your mother found out she was pregnant she told my brother that she’d had an affair with me. My brother took it very badly and he left the same night and never forgave us. I couldn’t marry your mother for the shame it’d have brought to the family, so I stayed close and looked after you both. I wanted to tell you both every day, but the more time that passed, the harder it became. I’m so sorry my dear beautiful girls.”
For me this moment was probably the most powerful spiritual moment I’ve ever experienced. Some months passed before I really thought about this moment and how profound and magical it was. As the ladies left my studio they realised that all the pieces to their puzzle had now been found and they looked so happy. They smiled and they each give me a big kiss.
This is the simple answer to the question between the differences of being telepathic and communicating with spirit. These ladies had no prior knowledge of what I’d told them and there was no question that they’d ever thought their uncle was really their father. If they’d have known, I could have used my telepathic abilities, but they didn’t, so there lies your answer.
Until next time my dear friends…If you’re ever thinking about a loved one in spirit, stop for a moment, close your eyes to remember their warmth and love, and listen to them. I believe when you think about your loved ones in spirit, it’s no coincidence. They’re trying to communicate

Till next time my dear friends may you have a Magical month.


Mark Bajerski

They call him The Accidental Psychic. Mark lives and works from the heart, which is immediately evident to anyone who steps into his energy.

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