EventsNews June, 15th 2013 by

West End Musicals in Concert at the Tamisa Golf Hotel

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On Thursday 6th June a special performance of the ‘sell-out’ show, West End Musicals in Concert was held at the Tamisa Golf Hotel in Mijas.
The performance raised a total of 5000€ – mainly from a raffle and auction hosted by Nigel Goldman held at the event –  for the singer Johnny Westwood who recently was diagnosed with cancer.
Stephen Lloyd-Morgan, Paul Anthony, Adele Lee Peters and Gemma Lloyd performed the concert free of charge and entertained the audience of about 200 guests, with a selection of songs from all the hit West End Musicals. The event was covered  by the press and TV and also in attendance were Steven and Michel Euesden of the Euro Weekly News and their friends.

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 Article Courtesy of EWN

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Hotel Tamisa Golf

 Photos Courtesy of James Yeadon

Name: James Yeadon
Telephone: 692 998 460

Dario Poli

Composer, artist, and a published author and illustrator. He is initiator of the campaign to present a better image Internationally, of Marbella and the Costa del Sol. Composer of the music "Marbella Marbella" used as the anthem of the campaign and also many other recorded compositions including Nostradamus, and Corazon, for The Children for Peace Onlus charity in Rome as well as the co-author of the powerful musical drama Lady X and The Power of Destiny. He is also the editor and a founder member of this website.

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