BusinessLifestyle December, 20th 2011 by

Say Merry Christmas to your friends and clients via SMS

  • – Thinking on how to best approach the annual Christmas greetings procedure?
  • – Want to get in touch with all your friends or clients in an hassle free and economic manner?
  • – Are you too busy and simply do not have time to write and greet every single acquaintance?


If you answered “yes” to any of those questions then read on for a solution.

Sending greeting cards by (snail)mail is both relatively expensive, cumbersome and especially prone to delays.

An alternative is sending emails instead, but this also has its own drawbacks. Emails which end up in the junk or spam folders, people who rarely read their emails, people on holidays without internet access, and the list goes on.

Calling every single of your acquaintances to greet them is also excluded if there are more than a few you need to reach. Simply too much work involved.

The solution to this dilemma is to use SMS for your Christmas greetings!

  • – SMS are delivered instantly
  • – SMS reach you anywhere in the world, without any expensive roaming costs
  • – SMS are supported by any mobile device, no matter how old.
  • – SMS are fast to type, short and to the point
  • – SMS are cheap


One of my many other projects is an online service named Mensavox where you can reach out to all your acquaintances with a minimum of work involved.

It is as simple as creating a group of people (a campaign) you want to reach and input their mobile numbers into the online form.

Now compose your SMS message and select the campaign you want to send the message to. Hit the send button and voilà!

You have instantly reached everyone on your list in a matter of seconds. Now sit back and enjoy your gløgg!

Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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