Persona October, 19th 2011 by

Thoughts on Being in Spain as a Foreign Artist

Midnight Garden 111 By Caroline Cary

Summer and holidays are well over by now; I am back to work and in particular on a project for a gallery in London. The project involves Laser Light and paintings/sculptures made with painted Perspex.

Meanwhile, Thoughts on Being in Spain as a Foreign Artist.

Living in Spain with its harsh landscape, which is quite different in kind to the softness of the French countryside and even the rolling hills of Tuscany, has changed my work radically. This very harshness coupled with the brilliant light and the fascinating mix of Artistic influences, from the Moors to the great geniuses of Spanish Art down through time, are a constant influence and source of inspiration. Think of what was constructed as temporary, almost a camp, The Palace of the Alhambra with its exquisite Moorish tracery in praise of Allah that has nevertheless survived to the present day; the mystical vision of the great Christian Artists such as El Greco and Zurbaran, Velazquez’s intensely beautiful Christ on the cross, the enigma of Las Meniñas, underlining how short is our moment here, moving onto the horrors of war and the dark side of humanity with Goya. The eruption of the great modern masters, with Picasso, Juan Gris, Miró and of course La Sagrada Familia, Guadí’s unfinished masterpiece, turning Art on its head, not forgetting the dark side again with Dali and Bunuel whilst today we have Tapiés to marvel at and Barceló  and……

All of this background of geniuses might seem daunting to an obscure contemporary Artist living in the campo near Granada but on the contrary I find it nothing but exciting and inspiring a constant source of energy driving me on to try again! 

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