EventsLifestyle June, 15th 2011 by

Dario Attends The Children for Peace Gala Event June 4 2011.

Sur in English June10th to 16th 2011

Dario Poli and David Mairs

Composers Dario Poli and David Mairs during the afternoon rehearsals and sound and lighting checks at the exclusive Hotel Villa La Padiera Marbella. Along with their work, they found time to have a most enjoyable afternoon watching the children’s dance show from FAMA and the preparation of Aaron Carter and hear the superb voice of tenor Stephen LLoyd-Morgan. Photo Courtesy of Diane Sutton

Dario wrote the music and David the lyrics to their song Corazón especially composed to help The Children For Peace charity based in Rome and the song was splendidly danced to by the children choreographed by Manuela Veronese of FAMA.

 Photos for

Photo Courtesy of Diane Sutton 

Dario Poli

Composer, artist, and a published author and illustrator. He is initiator of the campaign to present a better image Internationally, of Marbella and the Costa del Sol. Composer of the music "Marbella Marbella" used as the anthem of the campaign and also many other recorded compositions including Nostradamus, and Corazon, for The Children for Peace Onlus charity in Rome as well as the co-author of the powerful musical drama Lady X and The Power of Destiny. He is also the editor and a founder member of this website.

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