LifestylePersona January, 4th 2010 by

Lady X and The Power of Destiny

Spain has been fortunate for British artist, author and composer Dario Poli, known to his contemporaries as the “Renaissance man.” For it was here that he found the inspiration to create one of his finest musical achievements “Lady X and The Power of Destiny” in collaboration with Patrick Lloyd Hulme.

The musical drama, originally composed as a celebration of England’s favourite princess, based on the late Diana Princess of Wales, It became a long mystical and spiritual journey, an exploration of Diana’s enigmatic character, her emotions, her motivations, and her fascination with the phenomenon of love. Their meticulous research into every facet of her life has resulted in a work, which has great profundity and truth to life, while acknowledging the gaiety and brilliance of a beautiful, if flawed aristocrat.

It was first registered in Marbella with SGAE before her death; a tragedy, which galvanized the composers into re-writing almost the entire work and re-registering the work in Malaga.

Financial backers, fascinated by the quality of the music and story line, supported Dario’s enthusiasm and ideas, and the work was legally constituted in Holland and Ireland.

It was recorded by a symphony orchestra, opera singers, including some from Riverdance and the recording was directed by one of Britain’s leading musical professionals, David Redston and produced by Richard Pine in Dublin.

It is a powerful and imaginative, two-act fictional musical drama of a total 2hrs 45 minutes duration, specifically produced by its creators, to explore the tumultuous life of Lady X, a beautiful aristocrat and her entangled loves. Drawing into focus the esoteric factor X, the irresistible power of destiny and its mysterious design, that inexorably acts throughout her life.

The drama intricately woven around her, expresses a gamut of emotions, containing a haunting sense of tragic premonition, which unfolds, as the complexity of her life and charisma is explored and skilfully brought to life, by the innovative story; the sensitive and incisive power of the music, words and musical arrangements.

Richard Pine wrote “…. the recording demonstrates…its emotional appeal, the immediate catchiness of its rhythms and lyrics, and the richness of the orchestral texture.” … “The jewel at the heart of the musical remains that what it had been from the outset, …a celebration of her life, beauty and demeanour.”

Now that the inquest in London into Diana’s death is finally over, (which resulted in a massive delay for the musical drama) Dario and his backers are working to get the show staged, not only in the U.K. and Germany but here in Spain. 

Dario Poli

Composer, artist, and a published author and illustrator. He is initiator of the campaign to present a better image Internationally, of Marbella and the Costa del Sol. Composer of the music "Marbella Marbella" used as the anthem of the campaign and also many other recorded compositions including Nostradamus, and Corazon, for The Children for Peace Onlus charity in Rome as well as the co-author of the powerful musical drama Lady X and The Power of Destiny. He is also the editor and a founder member of this website.

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