Persona March, 11th 2021 by

World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 306 - Metin Seven

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World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 306 – Metin Seven
Metin Seven creates artistically styled illustrations in 2D and 3D. He also makes animation films. Two themes are most common in his varied oeuvre: technology and characters in the form of figures and mascots.

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Metin loves technology and science and likes to use it in his graphic work. The best part about making figures and mascots is bringing life to them, he says. “You then give a certain personality, a soul, to a non-existent figure. It then becomes more of a creation than just a piece of work. ”

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Mannetje & Mannetje (little man & little man)
Meanwhile, Metin has been active with visual work for many years. When asked about a key work, he mentions a few highlights.

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“The first peak was the creation of graphics and ideas for 16-bit games around the early 1990s. At the time, we were working with three boys on a series of games, which were then distributed on diskettes in the years before the public Internet, and of which some titles have become known worldwide (Hoi, Clockwiser and Moon Child).

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At the same time, in the early 1990s, he worked on the first fully computer-produced Dutch animation series: Mannetje & Mannetje, broadcast in the VPRO’s Villa Achterwerk. “It was a kind of animated photo comic, starring the cartoonists Hanco Kolk and Peter de Wit.”

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Designer vinyl toys
He is also proud of the fact that in the mid-2000s he was the first Dutch person to produce and distribute designer vinyl toys (a cross between art and toys) worldwide. “I had the help of a toy manufacturer in Hong Kong who could use my 3D models relatively directly for the end products. The toys with movable parts and two USB lights were derived from my comic series Seamour Sheep, which was published in for some time. ”

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He had the honor to make a daily news cartoon for the news site from 2006 to 2013. “I used a 3D cartoon style, which deviated from the usual cartoon drawing styles.”
Comic House agency

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Metin Seven is self-taught. He did consider an art education, he says, “but shortly after graduating from high school, I had the opportunity to work in the then studio of the Amsterdam Comic House agency, where I gained valuable practical experience through working among very talented professionals. ”

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His experience of the art life is mainly making applied art in the form of artistically styled illustrations for all kinds of publications. “I have never really participated in artist collectives, artist parties and the like. A certain angle within the artist spheres evokes associations with hot air and inflated egos. I prefer the humble hard workers among the artists and illustrators. ”

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Finally, how would he describe his artistic philosophy? “My visual philosophy is ‘KISS’, or ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid!’. When I was younger, I saw detailed realism as the highest form of dexterity and craftsmanship, but along the way I have come to appreciate artists who can simplify strikingly. If you look at people like Picasso and Mondrian, they also started out conventionally with relatively realistic scenes. But no one thinks of that stage of their work if they hear their names. They are remembered for their groundbreaking, creative stylings of reality, and Mondrian went even further: his work became completely abstract. I see his well-known work as a foundation of modern graphic design: a balanced surface division with effective color choices. The older I get, the more I realize how brilliant and daring people like Picasso and Mondrian were. ”

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