Persona January, 31st 2020 by

World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 249 – Paola Rando

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World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 249 – Paola Rando
Paola Rando was one of the 15 female Italian artists in the ‘Il Segreto di Eva’ exhibition at Breed Art Studios in Amsterdam. There were some extraordinary marble sculptures by her hand on display.
Her theme is the search for the representation of life, of essence and existence in the relationship with nature and the millennial wisdom of creation-evolution, she explains.

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The essence of life
“For me, the theme of existence is a subtle thread that runs through the creation my work until now and and it will be perpetuated in the near future. The thread is the very essence of life: the matter of which the universe is made. So my thinking evolves along a generative path.”

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Seme di Grano
Does she have a key work? She has. “The ‘Seme di Grano’ (Seed of Wheat) in yellow marble of Siena is the Mother of all my works: seed is latency, a premonitory principle of fertility and potential of birth.

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The Seed generates life and its shape recalls the vagina ‘origin of the world’. I made a cosmic egg that sows ideas that find fertile ground in receptive minds.

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The material marble that I prefer has a history of millions of years. It brings me in a time that has the rhythm of a wider breath that accompanies us in the matter of which the earth is formed. In my sculptures there are finished, polished and rough parts. In this way the material can sometimes be expressed in its authentic form, not treated by my hands.”

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Laboratorio d’Arte Animars
Paola Rando always was an artist, she says. “I felt since childhood an artist, I looked and felt differently.” She went to the Liceo, Academy of Fine Arts. She visited Museums and Art Exhibitions, equally important for her education.

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She has been showing her work since about 1996. Besides making sculptures she has had experience in the theatrical and cinematographic field. She is full time busy with her art and research.
In 2006 she founded the Laboratorio d’Arte Animars (Animars Art Laboratory) in the heart of the historic center of Genoa.

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Asked for her philosophy she quotes the poem ‘Correspondences’ out of Les Fleurs du Mal by Charles Baudelaire.

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Nature is a temple in which living pillars
Sometimes give voice to confused words;
Man passes there through forests of symbols
Which look at him with understanding eyes.
Like prolonged echoes mingling in the distance
In a deep and tenebrous unity,
Vast as the dark of night and as the light of day,
Perfumes, sounds, and colors correspond.
There are perfumes as cool as the flesh of children,
Sweet as oboes, green as meadows
— And others are corrupt, and rich, triumphant,
With power to expand into infinity,
Like amber and incense, musk, benzoin,
That sing the ecstasy of the soul and senses.

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Images: 1) Oliastra particolare, 2) Atena Natrix, Foglia d’ulivo marmo Carrara alluminio acciaio, 3) Atena Natrix, marmo statuario Carrara ferro alluminio, 4) Atena Natrix Natrix, marmo Carrara piombo, 5) Atena Natrix particolare, 6) Nascita di Venere, marmo Carrara acqua di mare, 7) Oliastra, marmo statuario Carrara, 8) Atena Natrix Civetta, marmo di Carrara allumini, 9) Paola e Animars , 10) Sospensione arcaica, Alabastro marmo rosso Levanto plexiglas


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