Events October, 27th 2015 by

Exposicion Mugge & Ose

Caballo en Mica (4) (1)

PRESS RELEASE – October 2015

ATLANTIS PMR presented the beginning of a season of Exhibitions of Art starting with International ARTISTS Mugge Fischer and Ose del Sol – from Grupo Artenovum.

Wednesday 21st October Atlantis PMR in Calahonda hosted the opening night of the Art Exhibition with International ARTISTS Mugge Fischer and Ose del Sol – from Grupo Artenovum.

Spanish Ose del Sol, known for his amazing folcloric paintings and his Donnas del Mundo, and Danish Mugge Fischer, the colorful abstract painter and eventmaker and also founder of Donnas del Mundo presented their retroperspective exhibition, representing works of art from the last decade. And they also invited the guests to a peak preview of their new graphic “art-line” – including the Japanese Carp Collection.


Icaro 14-2-10

Icaro 14-2-10

Luis Miguel Marques Alves and Jason Nicholas Ritchie the owners of Inmobiliaria Atlantis PMR /Atlantis Property Management and Real Estate, had invited their clients and collaborators, who amongst friends of the artists, all in all more than 100 persons, all enjoyed the evening, with cava and canapees. The exhibition will be open Monday-Friday 10.00 – 18.00, and Saturday 10.00 – 15.00, intil 31st of December. So fell free to come in and have a look.

You will find Atlantis PMR in CC Los Olivos, in Calahonda, right next to Supersol, on teh road leading towards the toll road. Adresse: Centro Comercial Los Olivos Local 3, 29649 Calahonda, Málaga

For more information you are more than welcome to contact: +34 952 93 38 70 or or


Exposicion Mugge & Ose

Exposicion Mugge & Ose

Artists Mugge Fischer and Ose del Sol, with the owners of Atlantis PMR and the Staff.

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