Lifestyle April, 29th 2012 by

Rome Was Not Built In A Day!

Achievement through hard work, constancy and faith in what you are doing. If you believe in your talent or your product and are able to follow a dream, you can built a monument!
How do you think it possible that I was able to professionally reach so far that  TV stations and other media love to interview me and talk about my projects?

How do you think I was able to perform beautiful shows and be part of such important and beautiful events like the Gala for THE CHILDREN FOR PEACE  ONLUS Rome, or the Christmas Gala for CONCORDIA, and how can I be part of all INTERNATIONAL DAYS in Mijas with an important opening, and how can I be part of the daily entertainment at the WATERPARK  in Mijas and many many other events?

The media loves to hear me talking about my ideas and projects, as I get so excited about it all and can really make it visual for them when I explain my work. This is because I am full of passion about what I am doing.
After my so long experience I can tell you now how it all started. At the very beginning, and even before that, I had a dream and nothing could stop me to turning it into a reality. I built up a great bunch of students throughout all these years and tried to impose all my craziness and feelings into all of them. Of course all is about dancing and performing and feeling part of a wonderful dream, and feeling  like a bird who is flying in the sunset.

I succeeded and achieved that goal and many of my students remained at my dance studio for many many years, till some became professional dancers, others teachers, and some simply passed some wonderful years with me growing up creating beautiful shows. Being part of something and  feeling important is such a great thing for somebody who is growing up. Just think what does this make to us adults. Don´t we feel great when we are part of something important? We all wish to be admired, seen, appreciated and to be able to produce something everybody likes. How can you get to this point?

First you have to be intelligent enough. Second  you must believe in what you produce and you must be able to pass your illusion and passion to your clients. Third you must be ready to work ever so hard and stick to it. Then, with dedication, discipline and constancy you are able to achieve anything.
During my career I was intelligent enough to organize special highlight moments for my students, so they always had something to look forward to. They always got a chance  to exhibit their skills and knowledge and from year to year their improvements. All this is an important part of building up something larger and beautiful.
AND if you are able to withstand all sorts of storms and difficulties that life often presents to us, as for example some bad months  with too few clients,  or with illness disturbing your ability, or at times when your product is not so popular,……
IF you are able to still go on with your dream with courage, emphasis and energy, THEN you can only be a WINNER!

I want to be a Winner, because I feel that I still have so much to give and I am still learning every day. And as I have to engage with children  I am learning every day more tricks on how to have a wonderful time with them, and how to give them a wonderful time with me. We have to be willing to give, only then we can expect wonderful teamwork. I believe this makes my performing groups work. I teach them to be hard workers, to be generous and helpful and to love what they are doing.

I really hope to surprise you all again with some of my next projects together with my wonderful students, but in the meantime as an example of this positivity that I try to instill in our pupils,  I very recently received an invitation from Dario Poli one of the composers of a new song titled “Nostradamus” just released by Roberto Danova the owner of Plaza Records London Ltd  , to create a dance routine specifically for this exciting and dramatic new work, which features the amazing playing of  Z GUITARZ and is currently being rehearsed in preparation of it’s first ever performance at the opening of International Day in Mijas on the 9th June 2012.

I hope to see our fans and supporters there to witness this new dance.

Quote from Manuela to composer Dario Poli. I wanted to thank you for providing me the most inspiring and hot music again. NOSTRADAMUS, already the name promises a lot and I can tell you from the artistic point of view, that this is fantastic”.



Manuela Veronese

Manuela Veronese, Directora y dueña de la Academia Fama, Profesora de ballet y moderno, coreografa de espectáculos del Parque Acuático de Mijas, Animadoras de Club Baloncesto de Mijas, eventos del hipódromo de Mijas y diversos eventos puntuales en el Teatro Las Lagunas, Preparación para la carrera de bailarina, profesora de danza y modelos. Ha sido bailarina profesional y capitana de Ballet durante muchos años y ha bailado en muchos teatros importantes en toda Europa.

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