NewsPersona August, 23rd 2011 by

Dario Meets Frieda, Emma and the Other F.A.M.A - Key Feature

“In a perfect world, every dog would have a home and
every home would have a dog”

My life recently changed when out walking on the streets of Mijas Golf, I saw what I took to be a dead animal discarded under a tree. On close inspection I found that it was a dog lying motionless but alive. The dog did not move and could hardly open its eyes. I rushed home, got water and some dog food, and returned to the poor creature and pouring the water into my palm, I dripped it into the dog’s mouth, until it raised its head sufficiently where I could give her more.
The poor dog was exhausted in the stifling heat and had no energy. Carefully I gave it some food, which it slowly began to eat. I called a friend Lisa who I knew worked with animals at a shelter, and she came to meet me, saw the plight of the dog and phoned Pat Coleman the shelter’s principal, and Pat accepted the dog that Lisa called Frieda. I got her over to the shelter and on arrival we were met by the sounds of happy bedlam, as healthy cheerful dogs rushed to meet the new arrival. I must confess I was overwhelmed by the positivity
I encountered that afternoon. I knew Frieda was in good hands and I wrote to Pat:
“Dear Pat,
Many, many thanks, for sending me these beautiful photos of Frieda. She is so sweet, but was in a bad way when I found her. I am so glad you took her in and I was most impressed by your kennels, the dogs and the special people I met there. Though I did not show it, I was deeply touched, as I have seen a few depressing kennels in my life, but yours was filled with energy, health and brimming with enthusiasm, both from the people and the animals and it was really noticeable. I felt inclined to help you in whatever way I can.”
Dario Poli

Frieda revived & secure in the good hands of F.A.M.A

 She replied
“At FAMA we really do love our animals. We give them the best we are able whilst they are with us. I feel very happy and content having started FAMA alone 7 years ago. We are still small, but the people involved are like-minded people. So far this year we have found kind loving homes for 2 dogs, all of which we have photos of in their new homes. Sometimes it is hard to watch them go as they came to us so very sad. Sad for many reasons, having been beaten, starved of food starved of love and much, much more. When they then go through our gate a happy healthy dog to travel to their new home it is of course a delight. I have to say at times we have to carry them out, as it has been not only their home, but somewhere safe. No person hurt them; they had food love and playtime. When they walk through the gate they really do not know what faces them. They look back at you saying why are you letting me go? But we know, but sadly they do not realise that they are going to join a family who will take care of them and love them as much as we do. I am also very grateful. We have no sponsors or paying members at FAMA. Members are out of choice, I would hate to spoil what we have.” Patricia Mary Coleman.

Emma’s Story by Pat Coleman

Emma, a Mastine cross was heavily pregnant and abandoned. She sat outside the main entrance to Seville prison for many days waiting for someone to take pity on her. Apparently Emma tried many times to ‘latch on’ to passers-by looking for help. Fortunately someone did help. They made many calls to various rescue centers and finally F.A.M.A.took her into their shelter. On the 14th February, Valentines Day, Emma gave birth to seven healthy pups. Five boys and two girls. She was, and still is a kind and devoted mother, allowing
all of the F.A.M.A. volunteers to cuddle and help care for her large family. Once the puppies were weaned they were taken to a foster home to give Emma a well-earned rest. They all thrived, and at the appropriate times received full immunizations and parasite treatment to protect them through later life. All veterinary costs paid for by F.A.M.A., which is a registered foundation.
Emma has now been spayed and immunised and remains a sweet and gentle natured dog waiting to be adopted. Her pups returned to the shelter at four months to also await adoption, and the family still plays together.

Should you wish to give a dog a good home, help F.A.M.A  or donate any money to them?

They can be contacted at

Tel (0034) 620 354 885. Patricia Coleman. SMS no. 27067MX fama.

A special fund-raising event ” The Black and White Ball” will be held at the beautiful Valparaiso Restaurant on the 2nd of September for any one who wishes to come and support this shelter /sanctuary and their much loved occupants. The price is 38 euros per person and the contact is Pat Coleman as above. 

I received this positive message from Pat regarding Frieda the abandoned dog; so I thought I should share it with you all. It proves that we can all make a difference.

Good Morning Dario,
Hope you are well.   Freda is doing just grand.   She enjoys living in the field and having the freedom to play with the other dogs or simply go inside a open run to rest her head.   I thought she was a little thin so was giving her a little extra now and then.  However, having watch her playing and running in the field I can now see why she has such a slim figure ( I really must take a leaf out of her book) She has now settled in well.  For the time being I believe she is happy to call the shelter home.  When the right people come along she will make a very good companion and friend to a new family. Pat Coleman.

A special thanks to Sandy, Ross and Jesse at the Key Magazine for all their help in publishing this article for us. It’s a magazine with a huge heart. Dario 
Issue 78 Page 22 KEY TO MIJAS COSTA KMG –  TEL 666 666 998 – 952 934 805

Dario Poli

Composer, artist, and a published author and illustrator. He is initiator of the campaign to present a better image Internationally, of Marbella and the Costa del Sol. Composer of the music "Marbella Marbella" used as the anthem of the campaign and also many other recorded compositions including Nostradamus, and Corazon, for The Children for Peace Onlus charity in Rome as well as the co-author of the powerful musical drama Lady X and The Power of Destiny. He is also the editor and a founder member of this website.

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