Events June, 3rd 2010 by

Photos from L.I.V.E. Charity Family Fun Day

After weeks of preparation the 1st Annual Children’s Fair for L.I.V.E. charity finally came together. The sun was shining and the day was a phenomenal success, with around 500 visitors, both local and holiday makers. Families enjoyed the market stalls, the games, activities and entertainment and more than €2000 for charity were raised.

This day would not have been the huge success it was without the visitors and the generosity of those from the Costa del Sol community who gave up their time and donated services.

L.I.V.E. would like to give a heartfelt thank you to all those who made the day the great success it was.

LIVE fun fairLIVE fun fairLIVE fun fair

LIVE fun fairLIVE fun fairLIVE fun fair

Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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