Business October, 13th 2015 by

Winning formula: Ryanair extends Málaga routes

Dad doctorate + Hans+me

Welcome news of Ryanair’s Málaga-Hamburg + Berlin routes (SUR in English, 9-15/10/15), my German partner and I will be on-board.

Returning to Málaga from Manchester following my dad’s funeral this summer, #ryanair turned a grave situation into an uplifting one, refunding a check-in penalty.

Evidence of their “ever-improving customer service”, and an unexpected gesture ahead of the British Medical Journal’s tribute to dad – one of the first black consultant pathologists in the National Health Service.

From African royalty to the priesthood and medicine, Herbert Mamattah,

Pic: Dad doctorate + Hans+me in Marbella 

Chris Dove

(BA Hons Economics), international business writer and editorial director, Pro Write and Edit.

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