EventsPersona June, 5th 2015 by

FENIXA, the Library of Fire...

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (1)

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (1)

FENIXA, the library of fire…

The Municipal Archive (Archivo Municipal) in Malaga has opened both their exhibition rooms to show the latest works of the artist Charo Carrera. Sculptures, objects, paintings and drawings are displayed togehter with one leitmotive: the legend of the Phoenix, the legendary bird which resurrects itself from his ashes.

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (2)

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (2)

The idea of the project has been perfectly expressed by the artist in the catalogue of the exhibition: (…) On one of my visits to the waste dump of the cemetery, where they had just incinerated, at  the highest temperatures, the coffins of the dead, Christ figures and flowers, I found a sacred book of just only molecularly intact ashes. I had no means to immortalize such a beautiful vision, but in my mind it was engraved like a seal of fire, a brand. I knew if I would touch it, it would vanish. This idea gave me minutes of uncertainty. I would not ever see such a thing again. I blew. And it fell apart.

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (3)

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (3)

Since then, these images have been repeating in my head, like flash backs, done, undone and redone, burning, dazzling, regroup: the famous Phoenix resurges again and again from its ashes.(…)

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (4)

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (4)

We see burned agendas, some of them bound together with iron wire, as in a desperate effort to save their contents written on their pages, from the burning flames. In some works there is nothing left inside the book, just the wire which held it together while burning, like the work of Claustro. There are rough edges and surfaces of metal books, and pages, ashes kept together in a wooden box, protected by glass from its worse enemy: a sudden wind blow…

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (5)

2015 Expo Charo Archivo Municipal (5)

Harsh metal, rusted iron wire, velvet, the golden book, a giant tin egg, oh yes, don’t forget the black book, they form the intriguing beauty of this outstanding exhibition.
Ernst Kraft, Malaga, 5th of June, 2015
Exhibition Charo Carrera: Fénixa

Archivo Municipal, Alameda principal 23 . Malaga

from Monday till friday: 11.00 14.00h. And 17.00 – 20.00h.

(from 1st of July the evening hours change to 18.00 – 21.00h.)

Saturday and Sunday: 11.00 – 14.00 

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