Persona August, 27th 2014 by

There is Only One Word Synonym to War: Destruction - By Eric H.W. Holzhauer


There is only one word synonym to war: destruction.

There are no winners in a war. Any well-thinking being should consider war as a defenite failure: a failure to respect and a failure to normal human communication.

We are all on a very fast travelling globe in space. As far as we know, we are the only living creatures so far. On just this very one globe in the immense space. We are unique, if not a miracle. Anyone who has seen the birth and development of a child, so honest and full of love, knows this. It is so precious.


When we grow up, of course it is good to have different opinions. To have seperate meanings. To have discussions. It stimulates thinking, and so our common development.

It is no problem to choose to live in a different way than others.

It becomes aproblem, when we force others to live too the way some want, and do not let others free choice anymore. Whether this concerns countries and politics, hate or so often abused ‘faith’: why ever go to war? It has none positive outcome, just destruction, pain, hate and desillusion. Never be so stupid anymore. We have had examples, to learn from and to develop.

Enjoy the fact we are all equal on this globe. All living creatures, all walking on our own path to learn and develop. So empathize and respect all people in front of you,. Understand them, in their stage of life. And act in a way people will respect you too.

There is no faith that tells you to kill people who don not believe this faith. This is no faith, but a political organisation, trying to use you. You are free to make a choice for yourself.


You might hope the Internet is a true revolution, literally taking away borders in communication. The possability to get to know people from all sides of the globe, to learn, to understand. You might agree or disagree, that is no problem. That makes us all unique which is colorful and nice. But think of the big ‘us’, we people, on this only globe with life in space. We have to survive, think and develop together.

Will there come a day that we commonly respect each other, respect the different chosen styles of life, and wish each other the best in their own development and path of learning in life?


Will there come a day that we tell our governments to stop acting like stupid quarreling little boys, stop playing games over the heads of innocent others, come together and make sure this unique earth can survive with all of us on it? In harmony, health and prosperity?

Or will we all be tremendous losers – loosing everything just for the one stupid word ‘egoism’?

Eric Holzhauer,

Eric H.W. Holzhauer 

Dario Poli

Composer, artist, and a published author and illustrator. He is initiator of the campaign to present a better image Internationally, of Marbella and the Costa del Sol. Composer of the music "Marbella Marbella" used as the anthem of the campaign and also many other recorded compositions including Nostradamus, and Corazon, for The Children for Peace Onlus charity in Rome as well as the co-author of the powerful musical drama Lady X and The Power of Destiny. He is also the editor and a founder member of this website.

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