EventsPersona June, 13th 2013 by

From Here to There!

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Dutch artist Ernst Kraft is currently working on a new project, an installation made out of plexiglass and steel wires, which will be set up at the end of July in Malaga, next to the CAC modern art museum, and will open to the public from the beginning of August. About this installation soon some information and a trailer will be published. “FROM HERE TO THERE..”

The process does not allow in this beginning phase, or maybe just out of superstition, to be revealed prematurely. “Present” and “future” are the basic drives to create, yet reflections and feedback on past projects are not just nostalgic, it is like being your own teacher…

Sometimes I visit a surrounding, an “habitat”, a house, an office and I see a painting of mine, from years ago… it is always a kind of shock, like time has been standing still.. whilst I haven’t… Now, I am not talking about the work itself, I see it hanging on the wall, I am talking about the time, the conditions in which I made it… how I felt, what I was doing, like putting on a music record of a particular time…

Yet there are other feedbacks, like me recently going back to Germany, to Passau, this winter and seeing my installation “The stone maze”, so many years later… In winter, thanks to simple physics the snow just melted a little faster on the cobblestones that makes the maze, then on the surrounding fields, which makes the drawing clearer than ever.

About feedback, some month ago I received an e mail from Argentina, where I made a big sculpture, some kind of sculpture-construction… “the house with the two chimneys”, just emerging the roof with the two chimneys.. it has detariated (You know why? Yes, I should have known on forehand: the “roof has been used for scateboards… (In fact this use I don’t mind, but the structure was really not designed for it. How nice the city on behalf of several artists made a committee to restore it.

Years ago, in 2006, I made a labyrinth, not quiet the size of the later in Germany, (because of practical limitations) but yet with full imagination and philosophy, for the Alzheimer Foundation in Leon, Mexico… My whole idea was that the brain is a labyrinth, in shape, but also in practice… The tragedy of the disease is not that you loose your memory, it is that you can’t find the way … So I made this maze in this garden, and I planted a walnut tree in the centre. You know the walnuts, they are brain shaped… Now, imagine: the tree giving fruit… all little brains…

Yesterday, I received the attached photo, after 7 years, (Photo Ingrid Rosas) this walnut tree is growing… will give its fruits… and will forget about me… (which is a relieve.., I just bear it in mind I need to go on working… )”…

Be careful when eating walnuts… “

And after all what is really the difference between a gardener and an artist…?

ernst kraft photo b&W

Artist Ernst Kraft

Ernst Kraft

Asociación Malaga on / Proyecto DIN A4 – C/. Calderería Nº 7 – 5º – 4 –  CP.29008 – Málaga – España (Spain) ( )
Tel (0034) 678 743 491

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