EventsNews April, 21st 2012 by

The Children For Peace Charity Returns to Marbella in Style

The Marbella Marbella Adelante is delighted to announce that the Children for Peace Onlus Charity, is set to once again return to Marbella, where they will host a  glamorous concert event  at the Tennis Club, Hotel Puente Romano on the 23rd June 2012.

The President of this Rome Based Charity is Debra Mace and the Vice- President is Lamia Khashoggi who will both be in attendance along with a guest list of  VIPs. The charity is  UNESCO recognised.   Gala@the  RSVP:+33 684 35 20 87

Lamia Khashoggi vice President, center Debra Mace the President



Dario Poli

Composer, artist, and a published author and illustrator. He is initiator of the campaign to present a better image Internationally, of Marbella and the Costa del Sol. Composer of the music "Marbella Marbella" used as the anthem of the campaign and also many other recorded compositions including Nostradamus, and Corazon, for The Children for Peace Onlus charity in Rome as well as the co-author of the powerful musical drama Lady X and The Power of Destiny. He is also the editor and a founder member of this website.

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