Persona March, 12th 2012 by

The Story of Betty and Beano From F.A.M.A

Here is another touching story about the mistreatment of dogs and the great works of assistance and loving care F.A.M.A and their dedicated team of volunteers achieve with abandoned and ill treated animals.

Betty and her brother Beano where  rescued from a very heartless cruel man who felt nothing of the pain he was putting animals through.
The story of Betty and Beano.  These two dogs were seen by a passer by being kicked.  The woman kindly stopped to address the problem.  The man of course saw nothing wrong in what he was doing.  She  took the two pups, which she had to buy from him.  Having done this she had nowhere to take them.  Having called all of the shelters which were full she called FAMA. We too were full, however having heard what the poor pups had been through I decided to call upon our foster mum Janice who took them in.

The poor things just shook with fear.  Janice took them to our vet.  This uncovered yet another problem.  They had been used as dog bait, the back of their necks were in a dreadful condition all of the cartridge in their ears were broken. Of course they were also terrified .  Betty and Beano came to the FAMA shelter after receiving all the vaccinations they needed plus lots of love and time given to them at the foster home. Beano became ill,  Heather who is a volunteer at FAMA took him home to give him extra TLC.

Beano had to go into hospital for a while.  When he came out he went back to Heather and Michael, he has since been adopted by them, their  second FAMA rescue dog, a brother for Barney. Betty remains at the shelter waiting for a home, she is now a kind loving and playful girl who has trust in the people around her. Pat Coleman

Good News For FAMA!

2 March 2012 18:12:09
To:     Dario Poli
Thank you so much. Publicity is so important   I had  last week a television crew from Denmark come to the shelter.  We were recommended by someone living in Denmark who had come to FAMA for a visit.  Along with the camera crew  came a famous woman who really adores animals.  She was very taken with FAMA and now intends to sponsor us in the future.  Good news for the dogs.
Thank you once again
Pat x


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