Persona November, 26th 2020 by

World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 291 - Roland Broekhuis

roland – MB 1-

World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 291 – Roland Broekhuis
Roland Broekhuis’s paintings show how a theme can evolve and transform. What remains is the search for structure, shape and color to support meaning and atmosphere. We see powerful colors.
Some time ago, work by Broekhuis was shown in an exhibition in the MLB gallery entitled ‘De Vrije Hand’. Broekhuis: “The title was an opportunity for me to show how a theme can change, evolve.”

roland – MB 2, cirkelgang 1

The universe
After the Rietveld Academy, Roland Broekhuis worked for a while in the business world as a stylist / designer, then he worked in the entertainment world. He felt more and more the desire to make something. “Not to support a certain concept, but to actually make something from myself.”

roland – MB 3, cirkelgang 2

He began to paint intensively. That was 40 years ago now. “I felt it was necessary to develop in different ways of working. In itself that is not innovative, but it is to add something: a personal view.”

roland – MB 4, doorbraak 110×80

His themes covered a wide field. It ranged from painting portraits to depicting a desire and translating the personal process he went through. Broekhuis: “The need arose to express myself abstractly. I thought it would be a good idea to develop that with ‘the universe’ as a starting point.”

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A certain energy
He let go of his fantasy and imagination on that universe. “From the idea that everything I could think of is present in that universe. That, however ‘small’, I am part of that big picture. A kind of zooming out to the big picture and imagining it. ”

roland – MB 6, energie 08.120x110cm 2010

The confrontation with sickness and death around him made it necessary for him to be concerned with the here and now. “That meant for my work that I had to take myself as a starting point. It resulted in the realization that the most essential basis of ‘life’ is a certain energy. Both in the big picture, as in my universe, my body and mind. ”

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Vitality and stillness
“How do you how do you implement this? How can you get the spectator to think that way to experience that sense of life, that great miracle?” According to Broekhuis, life forms take on their shape through circumstances that make life, intelligence, possible.

roland – MB 8, 19 energie 11 120x110cm 2010

“I wonder: what are the structures, substances, building blocks that connect with each other, the ingredients that underlie the theme ‘energy’? How does life form into a system that functions, evolves and reproduces? ”

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Based on this idea, Roland Broekhuis has developed a visual language with structures and penetrating colors. The relief of countless stripes of paint makes the dynamics tangible.
The paintings evoke vitality and at the same time stillness, they challenge and calm, not to say: comfort.

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