Persona August, 24th 2018 by

World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 176 - Virginia Monteverde

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World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 176 – Virginia Monteverde
At the Body Link (First Part) Exhibition in Red Stamp Art Gallery in Amsterdam work of seven artists was presented. Through the body the mind was explored, the human consciousness. One of the artists was Virginia Monteverde from Genoa, Italy.

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In her work ‘CodeLife, The Artists’ faces and torsos of six people, men and women, were to be seen, all of them artists. The two persons on the left, a man and a woman, turned out to have passed the 80 years of age already. You would not have said that right away. They all had a black stamp at the height of their hearts, it looked like a tattoo. It was a QR code, that, when you opened it, showed the entire life of the person in 30 seconds.

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The temporal dimension
For the maker, Virgina Monteverde, it represents a renewal of the portrait tradition. These artworks add to the effigy of the person photographed in a certain moment an extra that trancends this instant of time: the temporal dimension of the past, the personal experience, the life history, contained within 30 seconds.


The artist adapted her expressive means to the current habits of use and reading of messages, with the intention to establish a direct and deep interaction with the viewer, starting from a level of a fine-tuned structuring to then reach a subsequent emotional one.

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The unraveling of existence
The fast flow of moments of life from childhood to the instant of the pose in front of the photographer “lays bare” the six artists and offers thirty impressions of insight almost “stolen” from the intimate memory of each. After seeing them, every photo seems in turn to take on the value of a new code that mysteriously then generated the following temporal fragment, as a sort of Chinese boxes or Russian matryoshka dolls configuration in the inscrutable unknown of the unravelling of existence.

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The speed of the frames in the video creates a parallel both with the extreme rapidity of information diffusion in the modern world and with the suddenness of the associations of the mind. The gaze is key and leads to the unfathomable abyss of the individual.

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Fluid vision of the world
Virginia Monteverde: “My work is based on the continuous experimentation of the artistic expressions which can originate from the joining of the most recent technological means with the traditional expressive forms of art. In this sense, the CodeLife project represents a fundamental step in this process. The central theme is the overcoming of the image through a digital support that broadens its depth and meaning.”
All her artistic research is based on a fluid vision of world and society and its implications; she says: “I think that in the current historical period, that’s dominated by globalization, the multimedia expressive form is perfectly suited for reading and interpreting reality, precisely because of its particularity of being extremely ‘liquid’ “.
There is not a key work in her oeuvre, she says. Fundamental is instead the key of access to each work, a specific combination of black and white signs whose decoding allows to reach hidden levels of content and information.

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The artistic field
Virginia Monteverde (1969) started to realize her first digital artworks in 2009. “I’ve been working on graphics and video since long before. I studied painting and after high school I graduated from the Ligustica Academy of Fine Arts in Genoa.” She has a lot of experience in the artistic field. “Parallel to my path as artist also that of curator, creator and organizer of art exhibitions has born. Art occupies a large part of my life, I have participated in numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad, my works have been exhibited in Finland, Hungary, South Africa, Argentina, Taiwan; the next steps are Greece and Germany.”
Her works are present in Italy in the Museum of Sant’Agostino in Genoa, in the Museum of contemporary art in Sella di Lodrignano, Parma, in the Ideal Museum Leonardo Da Vinci, in Vinci, Florence, as well as in private collections.

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A fixed point
Finally, what’s her philosophy? Monteverde: “ My philosophy, which coincides with my artistic challenge, is to move in the Baumanian current of the liquid society in search of a fixed point, which might become a privileged observatory to interpret that “piece” of world on which I focus my attention at a given moment.”

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1) Virginia Monteverde, portrait of the artist – Ph: Margherita Marchese Scelzi, 2 – 4) Photographic series CodeLife – The Artists (2: whole – 3: detail – 4: Merkel), 5) Orizzonti, Installation, 6) Orizzonti, installation, detail, 7) Acqua dolce QR Code video, 8 – 9) Tunnel, QR Code installation, 10) Città Liquida – Turisti in Città, urban installation

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