Events October, 31st 2013 by

BSM Celebrates United Nations Day in Fancy Dress

Sian Kirkham and some of the children

BSM celebrates United Nations Day in fancy dress

Children at the British School of Marbella dressed up as different countries of the world to help celebrate United Nations Day on Thursday October 24th.

Following a special assembly the youngsters went on a round the world tour of the classrooms that had been transformed into Britain, Spain, Russia, Brazil, Iceland and Japan.

Staff at BSM dressed up for the occasion too

Pupils and parents then took part in a number of activities including dancing, singing, and cookery before watching a visiting flamenco group.

Headmistress Sian Kirkham, said: “It really was a super day. The children looked amazing and had a wonderful time thanks to the hard work and creative talents of our ever supportive parent body.”



One of the highlights of the event was the International Buffet, which was provided by the parents.

UN Day has been held on October 24 since 1948 to celebrate the UN Charter coming into force.




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