Events March, 20th 2013 by

Comic Relief Show Raises 750 Euros at BSM

Teachers performing Gangnam Style at theTalent Show

Teachers performing Gangnam Style at the Talent Show

Comic Relief show raises 750 euros at BSM

Youngsters helped to raise 750 euros for Comic Relief after taking part in a talent show at the British School of Marbella last Friday.

Around 70 pupils took part in the two hour event which saw acts including a Punch and Judy show, piano solos and hip hop dances.

Staff also got into the fundraising spirit by putting on a surprise rendition of Gangnam Style for parents and pupils.

Year One performing their hip hop dance

Year One performing their hip hop dance

More than 100 parents packed the school hall to watch the show which also saw teachers Mrs Yarwood and Miss Chalmers go head to head in a jelly eating competition.

Children paid a euro to dress in their normal clothes as well as holding a cake sale and raffle to help raise the cash.

Poppy from Year One with Punch and Judy

Poppy from Year One with Punch and Judy

Sian Kirkham, headmistress at the school, said: “Pupils proved that BSM truly has talent while raising money for an extremely important cause. Well done everyone.”

Reception girls who sang a song

Reception girls who sang a song

Comic Relief is a fundraising event held every other year that raises vital funds for poor and vulnerable people in the UK and Africa.

To see a video of the performances at the school visit

Mrs Yarwood and Miss Chalmers during their Jelly Belly competition

Mrs Yarwood and Miss Chalmers during their Jelly Belly competition


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