Donna de Paris unveiled at Roche Bobois!
On 10th of November, Roche Bobois held a rather special event at their spacious and elegant showrooms near Marbella to present their new exciting Autumn and Winter furniture collection. The Event is spread over 8 days, and the opening day which I was invited to attend, was heavily supported by invited guests from Marbella’s social scene and the media.
Hand in glove with this opening was the exclusive presentation of a painting titled Donna de Paris from the Donnas del Mundo Collection by the well known Artenovum Group of Ose del Sol and Mugge Fischer two exciting and imaginative artists, popular with many of Marbella society, who usually turn out in force to support them at their creative events and this was no exception.
Guarnieri, the exclusive car dealer group, were also in attendance with a display of expensive cars and the stylish motor cycles gracefully adorned by beautiful models, were from Lauge Jensen, a Danish manufacturer of customized bikes. They were sited opposite the showrooms and protected from the rain by white tents that shielded the photographers and guests from the possibility of incoming inclement weather.
All in all it was a well attended event and the catering I loved, small cakes from Chili Gourmet and Celine Macarones were generously lavished on the guests in a professional friendly manner leaving me with a good impression of the evening and our hosts.
Here is the delightful story of the Donna De Paris which accompanied the painting
Donna de Paris
Dancing through the streets, humming the song by Gershwin “I love París…”, she was heading for one of her favourite places dressed fashionably in the colours of the drapeau tricolore. She always went there whenever she had the time – Le Tour Eiffel. Ever since her grandfather had taken her there for the first time when she was a child, telling her about the history of the tower, she had always had this special feeling when visiting the tower.
She remembered going up to the third level, standing in the apartment that was earlier reserved for Gustave Eiffel to entertain his guest, just looking from high above at her beloved city. She could see Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame de Paris, and Montparnasse, all the emblematic buildings, the bridges – indeed an amazing view. Up here she felt free, inspired and proud of her city. Paris, The City of Lights, her home.
Upon leaving the tower, like always she looked back one last time, remembering her grandfather, sending him a kiss. Running along the boulevards to arrive in time to meet her friends at Maxim´s. Donna de Paris was in love, she had always been in love with her city. Either high above or being just in the city centre hearing the sounds and feeling the soul of the city. Just when she was about to enter Rue Royale, she heard someone whistle. She turned slightly, and saw two men smiling at her. She smiled back, her way of thanking them for the compliment, she was used to this. She knew she was beautiful, her grandfather had told her so, she was the Donna de Paris, fascinating, just like her city of lights.
Gilles Bonan
CEO Roche Bobois,
Paris, France
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