EventsNews September, 17th 2012 by

Return to our Winter Routinue with the Pasarela Larios, Fashionweek 2012!

Manuela with her dancers from FAMA


And how nice can it be to come back to the normal time schedule which includes hard work training, starting to prepare new events and being ready for the very first event of this season: Pasarela Larios, Fashion-week 2012!

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada & Manuela Veronese

After an entertaining and fantastic summer with my dance troupe, we can luckily count with another thrilling experience  with our cooperation at the FASHION-WEEK in Malaga last Friday.

AGATHA RUIZ DE LA PRADA  was the star of the evening and she was absolutely delighted to see all these young dancers in this event. It was a fantastic evening with the best weather and the most beautiful and professional models wearing Haute Couture of the best Designers of this region beside  Agatha Ruiz de la Prada.

So, after we have started the summer with a participation at the Children for Peace Gala in June, one event at the Hipodrome of Mijas in July, one event of the Magic Summer nights in Mijas in August, and of course our fantastic 3 month season at the Waterpark Mijas, we can now start to prepare our Christmas events. Not to forget that Christmas is knocking on our doors very soon.
The dance courses at Fama dance school started this week with great enthusiasm. Many new students wish to be part of our group and all the students from before wish to attack any new project. And me, Manuela Veronese, I wish to surprise you again with my fantastic ideas  and make you feel to be in a dream world meanwhile you are assisting our performances.

Shannon from FAMA dancing at the Paserela




Peter John Ridge
Ridge Photography

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Manuela Veronese

Manuela Veronese, Directora y dueña de la Academia Fama, Profesora de ballet y moderno, coreografa de espectáculos del Parque Acuático de Mijas, Animadoras de Club Baloncesto de Mijas, eventos del hipódromo de Mijas y diversos eventos puntuales en el Teatro Las Lagunas, Preparación para la carrera de bailarina, profesora de danza y modelos. Ha sido bailarina profesional y capitana de Ballet durante muchos años y ha bailado en muchos teatros importantes en toda Europa.

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