News September, 10th 2012 by

A Flying Start to Term

Reception children, Jorge and Gandalf the owl

A flying start to term

Children at the British School of Marbella got a flying start to the school year last Friday (September 7) after a visit by some feathery friends.

Birds of prey including Gandalf the European Eagle Owl spent the afternoon flying around the school’s playground after the youngsters studied the animals for a week.

Donna Fry, Foundation Stage Co-ordinator at the school, said: “It was a lovely topic for the first week. The children were fascinated with birds of prey and really excited to see them up close.”

Jorge and Joe the Harris Hawk

Teachers and staff were also intrigued by the animals and queued up to get their photo taken with the birds after the demonstration.

Falconers Susanna Armstrong and Jorge Quirós answered questions about the birds before taking them back to their home at Finca Caballos Alkadar near Estepona.

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