Persona December, 29th 2011 by

A moment of reflection", How about you?

Dario my friend, fellow artist, and keeper of these wonderful pages asked me for a few words to go with a couple of images that I sent him, whilst I do not want to hang on to doom and gloom I really feel that the following should be remembered by all of us, not to dwell upon, but to act upon in whatever way we can.
Individuals are only that, united we are a force that can change things for the better.
Be lucky and,
Have a great 2012,

Asia, Africa, Starvation, Hunger, War, Children, Iraq, Nuclear, Cuts, Spending, $$$$$, Haiti, Murbarak, Bin Laden, Japanese, Earthquake, Whales, Gaddafi, Swine flu, Fukushima, Doctors, Healthcare, Pensioners,The Pope, Jackson, UN, Peacekeeping, Belgium, Norway, Crisis, People, Middle East, Hospitals, Disasters, Global, Warming, Food, Prices, Malnutrition, One world, Ha Ha, Natural, New Zealand, Trouble, LOSS, Uprisings, Past, Present, Scavenging for food, Desert, USA, Eurozone, GB,Politics,
Strikes, O,W,S, Indignados, PSOE, Left wing, Right wing, No wings.


My few words looking back over the past year.

Christopher Stone, Sculptor
Mob. 0034-654-921.441

Christopher Stone - Sculptor & artist

International British Sculptor and Artist Christopher Stone.

Some of his superb works can be seen on other postings on this site and Chris is a regular contributor to Marbella Marbella-Adelante with his most interesting articles on art.

He can be contacted via the addresses above.

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