Business April, 6th 2010 by

Free email account with every internet domain name purchased

EmailGreat offers like the following can not go unnoticed for very long.

On the 1st of April 2010 ProntoNames announced another great offer which consists of 1 free email account for every domain name purchased. Once more it is proven that quality services can be provided at low rates that are attractive to everyone.

You no longer need to purchase a separate email service for your domain name but can instead use this free option now available.

The free features include:

* 1 email account

* 1GB mail storage space

* POP mail retrieval option

* IMAP mail retrieval option

* “Catch-all” setting to receive any email sent to anyuser@yourdomain.tld

It seems the time has come to drop all those cheap looking email addresses powered by free email services such as hotmail, gmail, etc., in favour of such greater alternative available at ProntoNames

Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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