News January, 22nd 2010 by


Estelle Mitchell and The Bodyworks Health Clinic are excited to announce Spain’s first Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging system.

With no pain, being 100% safe, no radiation, no patient contact and non-invasive, Thermal Breast Screening could be a revelation to most women.

Over 800 peer reviewed studies on over 300,000 women have demonstrated the efficacy of Thermal Breast Screening and importantly, studies also show that breast abnormalities can be detected up to 10 years before other procedures.

Thermal Breast Screening is suitable for everyone, even if pregnant or have implants and is as efficient for the under 50’s whose breast tissue is often too dense for the more traditional detection methods, as those over 50.

Diseased cells stimulate new blood vessels to help them grow (Malignant Angiogenesis) and with cancers creating a distinctive heat pattern, this early development is what can be detected by Thermal Imaging.  Early detection gives you choices in what to do.

Fully medically approved and certified.

Remember, every abnormality is not necessarily cancer but every cancer starts as an abnormality.

Early detection can save your life.  WHY WAIT?

For more information, call 952 883 151.


Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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