News December, 7th 2009 by

Feeding cannabis cake to a 3 year old girl.

cannabis cake

Two women will face criminal charges for feeding vodka-and-cannabis cake  to a three-year-old girl.

A toddler was kept overnight in the Costa del Sol Hospital and two women are now under arrest after the adults allegedly gave the child cake which included vodka and marijuana among its ingredients.

The events occurred last Sunday, when the three-year-old girl was in the care of her aunt and the aunt’s friend.  It is thought that the two women have fully admitted the offence in statements made to the Policia Nacional.

The parents of the little girl called the police alter noticing that the child was behaving abnormally.  She was kept in hospital overnight, and released on Monday morning.

The police are awaiting the outcome of  the labratory report before submitting a file to the prosecutor’s department. 

Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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