Business November, 9th 2009 by

Business coaching on Costa del Sol


Redline Company is proud to announce the addition of Business Coaching to their already long list of services aimed at growing your business and is also delighted to announce its partnership with Charles Gubbins, a dynamic and successful business coach with a long and impressive history in significantly growing the success of all kinds of businesses.

Business Coaching adds yet another branch to this media company passionate about all areas which make the best of your business and help you take your company to its fullest success.   Line Lyster, Director of Redline Company said “We believe that in today’s market, now more than ever, doing everything to ensure your business is working at its optimum level has never been more important – and we believe that using a business coach could be the one significant thing that could put your company ahead of the game, ensuring more immediate success and also increased success for the future”.

Charles Gubbins having worked in large international companies such as Reckitt Benckiser, Rothmans and Gallaher Tobacco, is partnering with Redline to take forward this new division of the business.  As a seasoned General Manager, Charles has significant experience in all business functions having developed and grown business in many countries across the world and has a long and impressive history growing already successful companies as well as turning companies around.

Business Coaching specifically looks at the way your business can be taken from strength to strength giving you the opportunity to work with a highly qualified and experienced professionals with a proven track record.

Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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