Persona November, 24th 2022 by

World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 390 - Daniele Formica

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World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 390 – Daniele Formica
Daniele Formica is one of the young artists who made it to the final round of the Piket Art Prize 2022, a Prize for young promising artists in The Hague. He is originally from Perugia, Italy, but has been living and working in The Hague for quite some time.

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Daniele makes drawings and sculptures, often accompanied by text. It seems to come about spontaneously and fluently. He sees his work as a palace of memories and a spaceship with which he can travel to the unattainable.

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Drifting and transformation
He does not have a central theme. It can go in any direction. Daniele explains: “Right now I am not in a position to be able to see the central theme of my work. I also do not feel the need or rush to find a theme or a center, perhaps then drifting and transformation are recurring patterns of my personality. I allow myself to chase butterflies, metaphorically speaking, and I see this as a small pure revolution, a form of systemic strike against conformism and a linguistic study of derive.”

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Chasing butterflies
It’s not so much about the end product, the sculpture, drawing or painting, but more about the process, the journey is more important than the arrival, as some say. Daniele: “Chasing butterflies means that the “I” becomes through the ritual, a butterfly as well. Through the ritual the “I” becomes anything actually, transformation is important. I hope many pieces, in transformation, can reveal a whole. Collecting the memory of each piece and keeping on transforming is the fight between history and life, between information and presence.

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Sometimes I feel like I have stopped living because of my art practice. I feel like a reader that is too intent to understand the meaning of every single word in the text and has forgotten to enjoy the book. But I came to like it very much nevertheless.”

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Key work
Does Daniele have a key-work, a work that propelled him in a new direction? He has. “When I was a kid, I used to play in the public park under my house. There was mud after the rain, and once I collected enough mud to make a mud brick and carve my initials, D F, on it. I think this is a key work in my total work, today, 12 October 2022.”

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Working in Rome
Daniele came over to The Hague for the award ceremony, but since September 2022 he is working in Rome. “There I am thinking about dead time, since Rome is the city where the dead are more alive then the living, as the locals say.”
Lately you hear that people are so busy absorbing information with all modern (social) media that they no longer have the opportunity to come up with interesting new ideas of their own. Those ideas only come when you let go of everything, you do nothing at all, if you are bored, it is said. Daniele can follow that train of thought well. Dead time is something dead, but not only that.

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Getting lost in the void
“I like the concept of dead time very much, it resonates with the negative information I am bombarded with. Cynicism, alienation, disassociation, ur-fascism, self-censorship, herd mentality, social performance, loss of integrity, proud ignorance, collapse, catastrophe, apocalypse, blabladi blablada.”

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He continues: “Dead time is this kind of time that somehow is neither present nor absent. We do things to kill time, and once we have managed to kill it, it is dead. Dead time… we take deeper breaths, tap our toes, look around or try to recall some functional thoughts: only to end up with an amount of nothingness that gets lost in the void. Dead time is indeed not buried, not archived, nor valued or categorised in any way: we don’t know where it went. Where we spent it, what we did with it. It simply died, in a way we could not even record, in a way we could not even notice.”
Daniele finally: “I am finding some sort of delirious redemption in dead time, I hope I can grasp it and share it with all of you soon.”

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1) 99Drawings7Charis7Butterflies1RedMage, 2) Mondriaan, ArtistStart, 2022, Selection9, 3) box of mediocre entropy works-1, 4) 98drawings2022-71, 5) box of mediocre entropy works-36, 6) 98drawings2022-41, 7 Mondriaan, ArtistStart, 202, Selection14, 8) Daniele Formica portrait, 9) magic madness mania man, 10) EdB, DaFo-04, 2021-19

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