Persona January, 23rd 2016 by

World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 68 - Dino de Simone

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Dino de Simone – 1

World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 68 – Dino de Simone
Dino de Simone was one of the participants of an Italian-Dutch group exhibition at the MLB galerie in Amsterdam in january this year. The exhibition was a part of the Carro project. Carro is a village in Liguria, just north of the coast. Since 2003, artists are invited every year to stay and work in Carro. They come from different countries. Two Dutch participants from 2014 invited their Italian colleagues to come to Amsterdam.

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Dino de Simone – 4

Dino de Simone lives and works in Milan. He was educated as an architect. There are many traces of this in his work. He loves historical places, especially cities. “There is both tradition and modernity”, he says, “The city is the centre of culture where historic facts happen.” He is much impressed by the work of the poet T.S. Eliot and his poem Unreal City, which forms part of The Waste Land.

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Dino de Simone – 5

Modern European cities
Usually he combines two cities in one painting, for example Milan and London, Milan and Berlin. The painting is a way to interprete reality. Dino de Simone: “At the basis are phenomena. There is a conceptual part and there is a subreal part. I transport the phenomena in a metaphoric way to make a synthesis. What interests me is the relationship between artificial and natural, the multi-ethnical reality of modern European cities.”

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Aldo Rossi
The British surrealist painter Paul Nash was and is an inspiring example for him. And also the American modernist Stuart Davis who was working on necocubism and abstract art. With Nash and Davis as guidance De Simone sums up the Italian painting of the 20th century and updates it.

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Dino de Simone – 7

There are many symbols in his works. And many references. To Giacometti, to Cubism (Juan Gris, Fernand Leger) to existentialism (Sartre), to Aldo Rossi, who did many architectural projects in the Netherlands. Aldo Rossi was Dino’s teacher In Venice, where he followed his Composition Courses. Aldo Rossi was a designer as well, he designed for example coffee pots for Alessi, the well known Italian designer. Coincidence or not, in paintings of Dino de Simone there are many domes to be seen which, if you look good, happen to be coffeepots.

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Another poet who has a great influence on De Simone is Baudelaire. In the Amsterdam exhibition, which was curated by Gabriella Anedi, many albatrosses and gulls were to be seen in his artworks, amidst the city structures, referring to Baudelaire’s poem L’ Albatros. And next to that there is an another poet who inspired him, Coleridge, who wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. De Simone puts his gulls not above the British waters and seas, but above his own southern sea, the Ligurian Sea.

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Dino de Simone – 11

Dino de Simone attended, after high school, an artistic school and after that he went to Academies for Architecture and Art in Naples, Milan and Venezia, where he was lucky to find Aldo Rossi as a teacher. “I am trained with Central European art”, he says. “Cubism was important, Paul Klee and the above mentioned artists. The reality influences my work a lot, it is a synthesis of abstractions and reality. In some paintings you can see the past, the present and the future.”

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Dino de Simone – 12

Asked for his key piece of his work he mentions first a key category: “Urban Composition”, but then says “The Glass City is a nice example of this category.”

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Dino de Simone – 13

Image 1: Milano city, cronaca, 2008, 2: Berliner Chroniken, 2012, 3: Milano Berlino, 4: Milano, 2015, 5: Milano London, 2013, 6: Promenade architecturale, 2014, 7: Progetto per monumenta ad Archimede, 2013, 8: project for a new image of Vajont Dam in Italy (Photo Luca Cardani), 2015, 9: Albatros, 2015, 10: Dino de Simone


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