Lifestyle December, 4th 2015 by


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Having dusted down my walking boots ready for Marbella’s COP21 climate change march (29 November), organisers were sadly forced to cancel at the last minute. Spain’s warm winter sun would have provided the perfect platform for solar power supporters to show solidarity with campaigners around the world, marking the beginning of the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21), the UN’s Convention on Climate Change, on now in Paris until 11 December.

Returning to the UK in 1990 after a prolonged stint in Spain, the first TV programme that piqued my interest was ‘The Green Sell’. It focused on environmental marketing and the dangers of green-washing, where products and services are flogged under the eco banner despite possessing the flimsiest earth-friendly credentials.

Twenty-five years later – the lifespan of an entire generation – we’re barely on the fringes of tackling environmental problems. Green marketing isn’t the issue, it’s green education.

Few, thankfully, can escape the bombardment of bulletins covering COP21, aiming to convert climate disaster deniers with a better understanding of the crucial cause.

One Community Channel programme, ‘MOMENTA’, featured climate change movement with a solar panel manufacturer saying: “Solar is one of the best ways you can create jobs.” Music to my ears in light of the solar camera concept I’ve developed!

My two-part series ‘Global warming – what on Earth does it all mean?’ was published in 2008 in the wake of ‘The Inconvenient Truth’, putting the pressing issue in a modern design context with its threat to our carefree lifestyles. ‘Green vs Greed’ followed in 2010 for a Barcelona business magazine.

Read COP – Whats it all about? for stark facts were finally waking up to

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Twitter: @dovechris1 

Chris Dove

(BA Hons Economics), international business writer and editorial director, Pro Write and Edit.

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