Persona September, 2nd 2014 by

Goulden sundays - Introduction

Daniel Piet van der Meer

Daniel Piet van der Meer

Goulden sundays – Introduction

We have a new series of stories. About Happiness. The author is Daniel Gould. Gould comes from America, but he lives already 33 years in Amsterdam. He is a freelance journalist in the field of art and architecture. He also has a blog of his own: At the Dutch Filmfestival a movie about Daniel Gould was at the opening performance with the title “I LOVE ART, Daniel Gould and the Amsterdam Art Scene”. To introduce the essays, we asked Daniel some questions about the startingpoint of the essays.

Daniel Piet van der Meer

Daniel Piet van der Meer

How did it start?
“About two year ago, I saw a classified advertisement in an English Language Amsterdam weekly magazine. It read: “Web-site on ‘happiness’ looking for writers to write on the topic.”I replied with this short observation: “I thought that Charles Schultz, the creator of the strip ‘Peanuts’, had settled the matter when he wrote: ‘Happiness is a warm puppy!”

They answered with a request for samples of my writing. I, in turn, sent them copies of my weekly newsletter titlied “3dList” ( They then suggested an appointment. At that meeting, I was told they would like me to approach the subject from the ‘artistic and/or cultural direction.’ I said that I prefered to look at the topic from the philosophical view. And this is what I did.”

Daniel Piet van der Meer

Daniel Piet van der Meer

Why 16 essays?
“At the time, I had no idea as to how far I coul take the concept, but decided to let it develop itself. Nor did I make any projections as to how many essays there would be or should be. The reason that there are only 16 is because the developers felt that the site had not gained sufficient attention and discontimued it. As to how many more I could write, well, that’s difficult to say. Again, my intention was to let the essays take the concept as it could and still remain relevant. I think a total of 25 is possible and perhaps as many as 30.

The essays would fit in – if they are published as a book – the best in the ‘self-help’ genre. The majority of tomes, that fall under this rubric, promise: fulfillment, personal development and self satisfaction. My contention is that once a person has an understanding as to what happiness truly is in the metaphysical sense then everything elese is easy. Even enlightment.

The subject is a true Evergreen, as they say in America. There is no reason that it should ever be out of print. It is also a perfect gift item.”

Walter van Teeffelen

The essays on Happiness:

Daniel Gould Résumé

Currently Daniel Gould is a freelance journalist specializing in art and architecture.

Positions, starting with the most recent ones:

Amsterdam TODAY (Amsterdam): Position: publisher and editor. I conceived and developed the concept for an English language magazine for the Dutch market. The magazine featured articles concerning Amsterdam and the cultural life of the city: art, restaurants, music/entertainment, fashion, architecture etc.

Sijthoff & Noordhoff Publishers (Amsterdam): Position: International Marketing Director. The company published English language books on the subjects of international law, economics, telecommunications, biochemistry and art.

EUROAM (New York): Position: Director. I established an international rights agency which specialized in the sale of English language publishing rights for European titles. Areas of concentration: Science, economic, law, history and the arts (art, music, photography and architecture).

Plenum Publishing Corporation (New York): Position: European Marketing and Sales Manager. Plenum is the publisher of high level scientific books and journals. Half of the 150 journals it published – at the time – were translations from Russian into English. A division, Da Capo Press, published reprint editions of outstanding titles in music, art, photography and architecture. I began with the company as Midwest Sales Manager, based in Chicago, and was promoted and relocated to Amsterdam.

Publisher’s Development Corporation (Chicago): Position; Advertising Space Salesperson. I sold advertising space for five of the company’s trade publications.

Simmons-Boardman Publishing Company (Chicago): Position: News Editor for the monthly trade publication, Railway Purchase and Stores. It was directed at purchasing agents of American railroads and their suppliers.

EDUCATION: I majored in Political Science, Geography ( I am a Geo-plolitician by training) and the Communication Arts at Saint Louis University (Jesuit) located in St. Louis Missouri (USA). I did graduate work in American Studies at the same university. I taught Public Speaking while at university.



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