Events June, 4th 2013 by

Marbella Mahjong Club


Hi and welcome to the Marbella Mahjong Club!

The Club is for people who want to learn and play together. Mahjong is an exciting and addictive game, but also stimulating. We welcome everybody, men and women; beginners and experts.
Chinese Mahjong (think “Joy Luck Club”) is a game, deeply ingrained in Asian culture, played by both men and women at all social gatherings. In fact, many scholars of Chinese history claim that Mahjong was actually created by Confucius in 500 B.C.

Mahjong is a unique turn-based game involving strategy and calculation, and a certain degree of chance but we insist on Mahjong being a challenging game of skill, not a game of luck!

IMG_0235The game is played by drawing and matching tiles in combinations that grant you the most points, and you must be as aware of your opponents’ (hidden) hands as your own.

In spite of being of Eastern origin, Mahjong is a game that translates into all languages. If a mental challenge is what you want, mahjong is definitely the game, for it was often called the “game of a hundred intelligences” simply because it required much concentration.

Are you a fan of bridge, gin, whisk and other card games? Then Mahjong is your game! Play for yourself! No partners to glare at you for wrong bidding or play!

We welcome everybody, men and women; beginners and experts.  The Club aims to meet every Friday at 15:00.  Visit our website for more details or email

Lessons are given at NO additional cost!

Kind regards


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