Tenor Stephen Lloyd-Morgan's last 2 albums now available free on SoundCloud

Steve’s album’s To Where You Are and In My Father’s Footsteps now available to listen free on SoundCloud.

SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/#steve-lloyd-morgan/sets/stephen-lloyd-morgan-in-my

In My Father’s Footsteps also available to download from iTunes and all leading download stores including Amazon MP3 & Spotify, CDs from Amazon on Demand (worldwide) & from The Cudeca Hospice and their 12 charity shops in Spain; also from The 65 Tenovus charity shops in the UK, as well as for delivery in the UK from the Tenovus website (plus p&p).

SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/#stephenlloydmorgan/sets/stephen-lloyd-morgan-to-where

To Where You Are also available to download from iTunes and all leading download stores including Amazon MP3 & Spotify, CDs from Amazon on Demand.

Information www.slmlive.com


Steve’s next album will be released in the autumn of 2013. 

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