News December, 16th 2009 by

Algeciras to Gibraltar - by ferry

bahia_de_algecirasThe inaugural voyage of the Gibraltar-Algeciras ferry operated by Transcoma arrives at the Gibraltar Ferry Terminal today at 13:00.

A large number of Transcoma guests, which include Luis Felipe Fernández de la Peña, Director General for Foreign Policy at the Spanish Foreign Ministry and Maria Isabel Durantes Gil, Director General for Commercial Shipping at the Spanish Ministry of Development are expected to be amongst them.

Guests will be greeted on the quayside by the Gibraltar Deputy Chief Minister Joe Holliday and are later invited to a reception at the Gibraltar Ferry Terminal. The ferry “Punta Europa Segundo” will leave the ferry terminal for the return leg of the trip to the Port of Algeciras at 15:00. Normal ferry service for the general public will commence tomorrow. 

Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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