News December, 13th 2009 by

Spanish citizens protest in Madrid


Tens of thousands of Spanish citizens have taken to the streets of Madrid in protest to the country’s record unemployment figure in the Eurozone.

Organizers of Saturday’s demonstrations in the capital rallied members of Spain’s largest workers unions in order to voice dissent to the country’s record-high jobless figure.

Protesters demanded a raise in wages and improvement of job security.

The recent global economic downturn has had devastating repercussions for Spain, especially for its industry and construction sector.

In Saturday demonstrations, leader of the nation’s United Left trade union, Cayo Lara, cautioned the government of the growing unemployment issues and said, “(Prime Minister) Zapatero should be aware that Spain is not a country of wonders. It’s a country with a lot of problems and he hasn’t found a proper way to handle the crisis, a way that should take leftist measures.”

“We need to defend our rights together. We mustn’t emerge from this crisis as losers, which has happened to many on previous occasions,” Euronews also quoted a General Motors unionist as saying.

Spain’s 18 percent jobless figure has sparked fear in the government, with some in the administration proposing alternative job creation models to hoist the country out of the crisis.  

Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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