News November, 21st 2009 by

Maria Angeles Muñoz attended the opening


MarbellaMarbella  attended the VIP inauguration of the new big Marks & Spencer store at La Cañada Shopping Centre in Marbella on November 17.

The mayor of Marbella, Maria Angeles Muñoz, also  was present at the inauguration to cut the symbolic red ribbon which opened the store. She said that she is very proud that Marks & Spencer, like many other internationally famous companies, have chosen Marbella for their new premises, attracting shoppers and creating jobs for local people. The mayor says she feels absolutely confident that thanks to companies such as Marks and Spencers backing the local economy and giving the area the boost that it needs, Marbella will be one of the first areas to pull themselves up and out of the economic crisis. Once the official inauguration was over, customers, who were literally crowding at the doors, flooded into the store and the purchasing began. It was clear to see from day one that Marks & Spencer has made a good decision by deciding to come to Marbella.


Simon Schönbeck

A serial entrepreneur and Founder of this very site.

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